Harmouche Abdessamie / PhD student in Management and Digital in Algiers University 3 / Visiting research follow in Waseda University

Now, I am preparing my PhD thesis about the startup governance and the innovation.
The reason that I choose the Japanese context was related to the importance and the uniqueness of Japanese style in Management field.
Professor Maki
I have the opportunity to be supervised by Dr. Maki in my research in Japan.
From Dr. Maki, I learned how to listen carefully and How to ask the right question,
During Covid 19 Pandemic, all the courses are online which another pedagogy perspective, a new environment and new experience for me, Dr. Maki Always keep active work, pushing everybody to participate, I really enjoy being a part of Dr. Maki’s class.
Prof. Maki is always kind and supportive to students and the students’ future career developments. From him, it can be clearly seen that the perfect combination of teacher, researcher, supervisor, and wise and kind! It is great luck for me to be one of his students!
I get into Japan as part of a scholarship funded by the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
However, to obtain the scholarship, you must have a supervisor in the host country as a prerequisite to participate in the competition.
As my research interests are the innovation, startup ecosystem, entrepreneurship, corporate governance, and the Japanese context.
To answer these concerns, Fortunately, I found that Maki laboratory could answer my scientific needs and help me in my research.
Prof Maki accepted supervising me and helped me to be in Japan, Furthermore Prof Maki introduced me and allowed me to interview many startup founders and venture capitals, which helped me a lot in my research.
Experience in Japan
Cultural differences sometimes constitute a barrier to communication and misunderstanding.
Except, most Japanese understand and comprehend this aspect, so they always try to help you even you are hesitating to ask.
During my stay, I really loved Japan, and I will definitely come back again, I felt super safe and welcomed all the time. Japanese people are very kind and very helpful, I really appreciate their respect and their communication way.
The impression of Algerians about Japan
In Algeria, there has been a lot of interest in Japanese culture and the economic renaissance after World War II.
Attention to the human aspect, Japanese culture, discipline, and education are all concepts that accompanied us during our academic journey.
Even in our childhood, we grew up on Japanese anime. All this established a special impression in the minds of Algerians about Japan and Japanese society.